An Exploration of Mass, Immaterialons, and a Hypothetical “God System” of MeasurementNote: This is a chapter in an up and coming book The Bible A New Testament: Volume 2. Here is the first volume:Feb 101Feb 101
Published in𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨A Young Earth Creationism Internal Consistency ProblemI Discovered a Fatal Flaw that YEC Proponents Cannot Ignore or Gloss OverFeb 13Feb 13
Published inThe Globally Responsible AtheistThe Bible — A Modern TestamentResponsibly Transitioning to a Secular WorldFeb 1Feb 1
The Catholic Church Burned Giordano Bruno at the StakeI Apologized to Bruno for this Church SinJan 52Jan 52
It’s All Over But the Shouting — Materialism Wins!!!Materialism Versus Spiritualism Battling Is FinishedDec 31, 20244Dec 31, 20244