Member-only story
A Medium Publication Didn’t Accept My Story
I managed to get accepted as a writer on one of these publications. I am not going to name this publication or call them out or anything like that. You might say I have a touch of class to me. Be that as it may, I will describe the experience.
Now, I did get one of my articles accepted by this publication. I was happy at first. I thought, “Oh, great. Now, I will finally get some good views and claps and see a nice revenue stream!!” That didn’t happen. I got 11 claps and two cents revenue on that article.
I submitted a second article to this publication in the same topic as the first one. But, this time it was not accepted. Oh no, I thought. But, then, I thought about some of my other articles. Some of them are doing better than this one anyway. So, I guess that publication isn’t really helping me anyway.
Why wasn’t my article accepted, though? My first article mentioned the dream of Tartini. Do you know who he is? Unless you are into classical music, you won’t know who this guy Tartini is. So, I will tell you. Tartini is famous for composing The Devil’s Trill — a violin sonata. The music itself is quite fantastic. Tartini claims he had a dream where he watched the devil playing this sonata. He says he tried to capture the music he heard in his dream as best as he could, but it falls short of what he heard in his dream.
So, this was ok for inclusion on this publication. I will provide an actual link to the story that was not accepted (yes, we can say rejected)…