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A New Chess Variant Will Soon Descend on Mankind
Look, Four Dark-Squared Bishops!!
This diagram is a position of Fighting Chess after ten turns by both players. This interface is found on However, the site is still under construction. But, it will allow positions at least to be able to be put up as I have done here.
Fighting Chess is regular chess with the following changes:
- Rooks, Bishops, and Knights now also can move and capture like a king.
- Pawns can now also capture one square straight ahead.
- The king is no longer inviolate and may be captured.
- You may now pass on your turn if you wish.
- You may castle while in check, across a check, and even into check if you wish.
These changes were carefully chosen to retain as much chess as possible while making the game much stronger. Now, any piece in isolation has the power to checkmate the opposing king with just the help of its own king.
Stalemate is gone. The subordinate rules that created the stalemate crisis have been removed from the game — the must move rule and the inviolateness of the king. A king may now be captured if a player leaves it in check or actually puts it in check. Zugzwang is dispensed with as well…