Does your point of view have the name "Panties in a Wad View?"
Science never claims to be omniscient and never wrong. They make the best conclusions possible from the theories available at hand with the evidence at hand. When they get better theories, they update their predictions. Religion, though, doesn't get more powerful gods to update their beliefs too.
If you work your panties in a wad idea into a coherent framework, you might get some traction with the public. I suggest better terminology, though, as you might offend one of the genders.
Scientology uses the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard. Some such teaching of his that I recall was that the ultimate truth is a static. That is something I disagree with. Only true absolute zero (i.e. motionless molecules) is a static, but we cannot produce such a state. There are other reasons why I believe the declaration to be false. But, at any rate, Happy New Year!