I am not sure how to respond. It's sort of a left-handed compliment you gave me. But, the ultimate compliment is that you will continue to read me. So, yay!
Is ChatGPT inadequate? Hardly. It's an expert on every subject. What human can begin to compete with that?
So, I understand this about ChatGPT. I come to it, then, as an interviewer. I learn a lot every interview.
As I learn, it can change the shape and direction of the interview. I am literally sharing my learning with my peeps here on Medium.
Now, I do have a worldview. I am a scientist (a mathematician). I accept the findings of science, but I am ignorant of most of it. I brush up against it with ChatGPT, who knows all of it (maybe not, but who among us can contest it?). Recently, I had a change of position with it--I had thought our uncertainty with transcomputable things and chaotic things overturned determinism regarding the weather. It doesn't. It's still an open question with sentient beings like us, though. So, this is the kind of stuff I share.
Laziness? No, I am not lazy. I take my writing seriously. When I post an article, I have done what I can for it in my small time available. I am at the mercy of our economy, and I help funnel money up to a few billionaires, who let me eke out a meager subsistence in return. I am angry at them and the political atmosphere that allows them to do this to me. But, I give my best to the cause with my meager resources. ChatGPT is a massive help for me. It enhances my brain and decorates my work with incredible art. I used to get my images off of places like Unsplash and Wikipedia. Anymore, I can get better images with AI. But, it seems Medium sees that a lot of my content is AI produced and dampens my reach for it. Damn Medium, too. I use AI to enhance my work, which is a righful use of it. I do not plagiarize it, posting it as my own. This would deserve diminishing reach. Medium is not smart enough to see the difference. Also, the algorithm of Medium is tough to please. I see immediate decreases in reach after as little as two days without a post. My honor to my craft keeps me at Medium. I just hope it smartens up before I eventually abandon it.
I do find that ChatGPT is too generous with religious views. I try to corner it, but it's a slippery thing. But, I fight for science like Neo.
Thank you for continuing to read me. I hope this clears up what I am doing here.