I do not argue against the unknowable God. I argue against the claims put forth by theists. I am very careful in my wording. You may not claim I argued against the unknowable God. I did no such thing.
And, I do not appreciate your charge that I have a "shallow and feeble grasp" of the unknowable. You have strawmanned my position to attack it. A strawman is stating someone's position as something else in order to attack it. And, you further made claims about the strength of my mind being shallow and feeble.
Just for the record, I wrote a math book titled Points, Lines, and Conic Sections: A Sequel to College Algebra. This contains a number of chapters of my original contributions to mathematics.
I developed a rating system superior to the Elo rating system used by chess. It works great and provides correct ratings even to rapidly advancing players.
I invent a lot of board games with better designs than chess. My most recent one is called Chains, which is posted right here on Medium. My two math books are on Amazon.
I also developed a new type of tournament design called the Block Transition Tournament. You can have the top two performers meet up in the final round or final three rounds every tournament. Most times in modern tournaments, the top performers meet in an early round and won't meet again. I fixed that. I have a book on it on our website fightchess.com.
I will stack any of these intellectual achievements against the best of humanity's achievements.
I am not shallow and feeble as any cursory inspection of my body of work will reveal. Yeah, you pissed me off with that cut down. Most people don't find my buttons, but you found one and pushed it.