KJV written by man, not God. Intelligent design--debunked in Kitzmiller versus Dover court case. Scientific evidence? No scientific evidence proves God. State such evidence proving God from science.
The earth is not 6000 years old. Explain how the Grand Canyon was formed by that river in 6000 years. Scientists have shown LUCA (the single celled organism we all came from) was around 4.2 billion years ago. The asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs was 65 million years ago. Even recently discovered prehistoric human settlements date back 7000+ years ago. Neanderthals went extinct long before 6000 years ago.
Miracles and healings are mostly fraudulent. But, placebos and remission are things. But, a resurrected Jesus is a no go. Jesus walking on water--no. Have you tried walking on water?
Blessings and curses don't exist. The subconscious mind is a thing, and it can help a person along to do things. The supernatural has never been demonstrated. Ever. Blessings and curses are supernatural and don't exist. There's always a natural explanation even if the people witnessing it aren't clever enough to see what the cause was.
Ghosts don't exist. My scientific simplified equation is power = mass x stuff. Gods and ghosts are immaterial (i.e. no mass). So, power = zero x stuff = zero. Thus, God's and ghosts have zero power, which means they don't exist.
There, I debunked all of it with natural explanations.
Thank you for reading me.