Abiogenesis by Gemini

Life from Non-Life and Other Big Ideas

A Cheery Chat with Advanced Google Gemini

Tony Berard
8 min readSep 7, 2024


Life had to come from non-life. The early earth was too hot to support life. Even the Big Bang was a hot mess (the biggest colloquial hot mess ever) without life if you want to start there.

It’s clear as day that life exists now. I am alive, and I pinched myself to prove it. Descartes would be proud — I pinched myself, therefore I am.

Something wonderful happened between the Big Bang and the Big Pinch — life happened.

All (probably most at least) of the religions offer creation stories depicting how life got started.

Richard Dawkins has said Darwin solved the big one with evolution providing the explanatory power for the diversity of life on earth.

Darwin’s tree of life reverse engineered the evolutionary path of species…



Tony Berard

I have lately been constructing arguments against God and the supernatural. I have proven that stuff doesn't exist with science equations. I aspire to be great.