Our 6000 Year Old Earth: Thank You Young Earth Creationists!!

Our Earth Under Young Earth Creationist Theories

A Discussion with Advanced Google Gemini on These Matters

Tony Berard
10 min readAug 11, 2024


What is catastrophic plate tectonics? Is it a new science?

Catastrophic plate tectonics is a model that proposes that the Earth’s tectonic plates moved at much faster rates in the past, particularly during a global Flood event. It suggests that the breakup and movement of continents, formation of mountains, and other geological features occurred rapidly, within a short period, rather than over millions of years as in conventional plate tectonics.

It’s not a new science. The concept of catastrophic plate tectonics has been around for decades, primarily within creationist circles. It’s seen as a way to reconcile geological evidence with a literal interpretation of the biblical Flood narrative.

Key Points:

  • Rapid Plate Movement: The central idea is that tectonic plates moved at speeds vastly greater than what is observed today. This rapid movement is invoked to explain the formation of geological features like mountains and ocean basins in a short timeframe.
  • Global Flood Connection: Catastrophic plate tectonics is often linked to the concept of a global flood, with the rapid plate movement being a driving…



Tony Berard

I have lately been constructing arguments against God and the supernatural. I have proven that stuff doesn't exist with science equations. I aspire to be great.