An Artist’s Impression of a Quantum Computer by Bing AI

Quantum Computing

Interviewing Advanced Google Gemini

Tony Berard
6 min read4 days ago


Can I get a sense of the complexity achievable with quantum computing with, say, 20 atoms?

With 20 atoms acting as qubits in a quantum computer, you can achieve a moderate level of complexity. Here’s what you should know:

  • Computational Power: 20 qubits allow for calculations within a state space of 2²⁰ (over a million) possible combinations. This surpasses the capabilities of classical computers for certain types of problems.
  • Potential Applications:
  • Quantum simulations: Simulate small molecules or simple materials with higher accuracy than classical methods.
  • Optimization problems: Potentially find better solutions to optimization problems with a limited number of variables.
  • Machine learning: Explore quantum machine learning algorithms for specific tasks.
  • Limitations:
  • Error correction: Quantum computers are susceptible to errors. With current technology, 20 qubits might not be enough for robust error correction, limiting the complexity of problems they can solve reliably.
  • Noise: Environmental noise can disrupt quantum computations. Isolating and controlling 20 qubits…



Tony Berard

I have lately been constructing arguments against God and the supernatural. I have proven that stuff doesn't exist with science equations. I aspire to be great.