Since God can harden hearts, why doesn't he harden the hearts of the humans actually in power to stop the war? This would be a good time for Jesus to come again to tell the leaders to stop killing as that violates one of his father's commandments.
Instead, we have these fathers who just lost their families in bombings and other war atrocities being preached to about Jesus loving them. Messages received like this in a state of shock and anguish appear to hit home. Was it 200 father's preached to in anguish and 200 Jesus appearances? That's 100 percent!
Maybe we should have a PR campaign for non-Christian father's to fly their families into Gaza, and preach to the former husbands and father's of the love of Jesus to increase membership in US churches. We could start a GoFundMe campaign to pay for these flights into Gaza so that the soon to be widowers don't have to lose money on the flights. That extra savings could find its way into the church coffers.
With the extra time these former non-Christian father's and husbands could attend seminary to become clergy members. Maybe, they'll start molesting boys in their new congregations while Jesus's message of love is being administered. Then, we can also get 100 percent Jesus appearances in these boys's dreams because of the anguishing experience they received the message of Jesus's love in--just like how the new preists received it.
It could be Christianity's new campaign slogan. Have you just been traumatized? Robbed, raped, beaten, stabbed, and any other such trauma is good! Maybe your dog just got splattered by dog food truck? Maybe your child just drown in the backyard pool? Call us at 1-800-B4JESUS to hear his message of love!
If this is how a message for God is spread, count me among those who oppose it.