The Immaterial God and Something From Nothing Fallacy
I see this coming up so much, I have decided that I am going to name this fallacy. Hence, I have named it "The Immaterial God and Something from Nothing Fallacy."
Here is the claim of theists: The universe is something that could NOT have come from nothing.
They then pull up the Kalam Cosmological Argument and all of a sudden God is the immaterial, timeless, spaceless being that created the universe.
Their claim is that since nothing is what comes from nothing, then only something that is timeless, spaceless, and immaterial could have created the universe.
So, where is the fallacy? It is that a timeless, spaceless, and immaterial being DOES NOT EXIST!! So, the theist is saying you cannot get something from nothing, but their nothing God somehow is a nothing that's different from ordinary nothing with the supernatural power of being able to spawn a something (our universe) from its nothingness! Whew, that's a mouthful.
What does science now say? Science says that nothingness does not exist because there is quantum foam. Particles and antiparticles are popping into existence and annihilating all the time. Well, after a whole lot of small quantum fluctuations, you get a big quantum fluctuation such that a universe is created. Yeah, it's the biggest something from nothing ever. We now have a mathematical framework that shows how it can happen. So, yeah, science has now done the math, and it works. This article is on if you want to learn about it. But, it's very high level math--beyond me with a bachelors in math. So, it isn't for the faint of heart.
Finally, science can show that our universe has a zero net mass and a zero net charge--properties of an object that came from nothing.