The other possibility for God to be E (energy) is with photons (light). But, God cannot be light energy. Why? He wouldn't have needed to say let there be light! Because God had to speak light into existence, it wasn't there before. He didn't say let there be me. So, God is physical. He made man in His image--a physical representation. Notice Adam was not a ball of light energy.
I am not saying Energy is mass. Einstein said that there's a mass energy equivalence expressed in his famous equation: E = mc^2. Energy is mass time the speed of light squared.
Yes, Newton's laws apply to living organisms. We humans are not exempt from the laws of physics. Hitting a rock versus hitting a tiger does not disprove Newton.
If I managed to hit a tiger, it would move, to be sure. However, it would exert its own force on me and overwhelm me.
Biology does not negate the laws of physics, but it does show there's an hierarchy of laws.