This is Bortus (left) and Mwomppt — Early Figures of The Godhead.

The Trinity Was Too Small Minded!!

It Has Been Divinely Revealed to Me True Religion!!!

Tony Berard
3 min read2 days ago


I was struggling to understand The Trinity for years. It just didn’t make any sense. Three figures each was God yet all different. How can things be the same yet different. Also, monotheism is preserved in “The Godhead.” And yet, different members of The Godhead retain their individuality.

So, there I was one night at my wit’s end. I closed my eyes in anger, and the swirling vortices of my mind began. Then, some random objects popped in and out, but lo, a voice began speaking! “Tony, I am Bostinung, the first prophet of God before Moses and Enkidu, which were human understandings. I am a Troodon, and we lived with other animals during the late Cretaceous period. But, it was us and the Ornithomimuses that first started religion. The T-Rex’s worshipped the Godhead, too, but arguments with them always wound up with them eating us.”

Bostinung preaching to other dinosaurs with flying reptiles joining in.

Bostinung said his time with me was up, and my mind quieted. Then, an amoeba named Amy came into my mind. She said, “Jesus can time travel, Tony. They didn’t document that, but I am letting you know about this at this time. Jesus had a sermon on the mount…



Tony Berard

I have lately been constructing arguments against God and the supernatural. I have proven that stuff doesn't exist with science equations. I aspire to be great.