So, I don’t get sued, I must provide a legal disclaimer. Consult with your doctor before beginning any workout or nutrition program including any advice here.
I post a lot about these spiritual leaders, and for the most part they deceive. They tell you the Lord will help in any situation. But, the Lord doesn’t exist. I have proven it, according to Google Bard. And, ChatGPT-4 is a more difficult nut to crack but at least gives me “the preponderance of the evidence” advantage over the Kalam Cosmological argument. And, may I add that the Kalam was devised by a Ph.D.
So, that qualifies me to write about God (or the lack thereof). So, if you belong to a church, leave it. And, quit giving money to the church for God’s sake (because God doesn’t exist and cannot have a sake).
Join a humanist organization as that is where your money and resources will be better for humanity.
Study nutrition as that is one of the keys for a longer life. Eat a balanced diet, and take a one a day multivitamin and multimineral pill that has as many 100% RDA’s as you can find. Eat green leafy vegetables and vegetables with deeper colors if you can afford it — organic is preferred if possible.
Try to engage in at least a mild exercise plan if possible. Start with small walking distances.