Well, you are correct that atheism does not grant me this. But, I am more than an atheist--I am a human living in the twenty first century. I have lived over half a century, which gives me a lot of personal life experience. I have exposure to copius amounts of news for many years, and I have discussed many of these news stories with people I interact with as I go through life.
I am not just a passive organism in my environment, either. No, I am fully aware of the social and political structures that I operate in, er, get exploited in. I am aware that I make far more money for my billionaires than I receive in return. This has been so for about four decades of my servitude. And, I am also aware that the money I make for them is done without them even being aware that I exist. This has given me a fighting spirit to try to break free.
My attempts to break free of the billionaire's grip on me may have all failed since they still have me firmly in their grip. I must grant that as an elderly man now. But, I have much to show for the effort!
I have gone to college, and I learned a lot. I am a scholar I can even say. I have written several books--all are on Amazon. Jeff Bezos is one of my billionaires gripping me. I make a laughably small amount of money for both of us due to his web site giving older books from long dead authors new publication dates. When people search for books in the categories I have published in and "search by publication date," they won't find my stuff. Nope, the books by these long dead authors from even the 1800's get daily updated new publication dates. Jeff still sells millions of books on his site and makes a small amount on each one. And, just now I figured out WHY he does this! It's so he pays out less in royalties per given volume of books sold. Well, you sly dog, Jeff. You get to ride around in your $500 million dollar yacht and blast William Shatner out to the edge of space in one of your rockets. But, I made some mathematical contributions in one of my books. Some centuries from now, I will be mentioned in at least a footnote as the discoverer of those theorems that students learn in their math classes then. You might not get a mention at all from society. Who's the real winner, then?
Anyway, I have written other books--all valuable contributions to mankind. The struggles I endured to create them have given me character and personality and wisdom.
But, my writing isn't my only attempt to break free of the billionaires who have me in their grip. I have invented numerous board games. I developed a rating system superior to the Elo rating system. Many people who have done this claim this, but a claim is only a claim. My claim is substantiated, and my system can tell you the rating of player in a single tournament if the rest of the ratings are reasonably close. I wrote code to test numerous rating systems I invented until I got one that worked. This rating system is described in one of my books on Amazon.
I also developed a new way to conduct a tournament called The Block Transition Tournament. This book is on our site as a PDF: fightchess.com. This new tournament design allows the top performers to meet up at the end of the tournament to play for all the marbles. How cool is that?
So, I have lived a lot of life myself. I have observed a lot of life. I have studied some history as I needed to learn of stuff done in the past. Yes, it was only to suit my needs at each time, but collectively, I can see a lot of history now since I have dipped my bucket in that well so many times now. And, I have advanced the world's knowledge through my intellectual and creative expressions.
All of this is what I brought to bear upon my new set of ten commandments. Atheism only allows me to reject God. All that other stuff allows me to surpass the writings of those bronze age authors who thought the sun stopped in the sky (not even knowing the Earth's rotation spins it around giving night and day and stopping the sun means stopping the Earth from rotating on its axis). So, yeah, if my ten commandments were actually followed, our social structure (you know, the one that has allowed my billionaires to keep their grip on me and what allows a guy like Putin to invade other countries and kill political opponents like Navalny) would improve with the world becoming a better place. So, yeah, I am qualified to write it, and now that I think of it, my atheism actually did help insofar as it allowed my mind the freedom to even consider doing it because fear of God would have frightened me into silence. It is abhorrent what religion does to minds, and my freedom from it does inspire me help others, such as my new ten commandments article.